

My tennis circle's name  is "Highball". This is no relation to highball of the whiskey with soda, but everyone mistakes for it. Because of my circle's name, my friends made me drink highball yesterday. So, I introduce the history of highball in Japan. A highball was usually drunk 30 years ago because the students who didn't have money wanted to get drunk at a low price and early. However, because of change of economic conditions, whiskey was not drunk several years ago. So, Suntory appointed Koyuki(Japanese actress) as CM, in order to wipe away an old image. As a result, although only this is not a reason, of course, it is very popular to drink.



I went to Osaka for job-hunting today.
When I rode the train, it passed through Yamazaki station.
There are whiskey factories of suntory.
The whiskey which is made there is one of the most popular and expensive in Japan.
These whiskey are called to Yamazaki,
 and they go through several name changes for level of aging.
We can reach easy to Yamazaki 10years relatively.
The person who can't drink whiskey should drink with soda.
I recommend to drink with ginger ale.

"Yamazaki 10years"




Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Cros Parantoux 1994(Henri Jayer)

Do you know the Japanese program "Ninkimonodeikou"? It is one of the best popular in new year TV program. This program checks the level of showmanship. If the participants can't questions, their level fall down. For the first time, everyone has the rank of major artists, but each mistake causes decrease of their rank, for example, normal artists, second class artists, third class artists, look-alike the person and don't need to cinematograph. There are some questions and one question is to evaluate the top-on-the-line wine. This price is one million yen. Another wine is 3 thousand yen in Australia. We probably think it is very easy, but the participants can't evaluate them. The wine which is used is Vosne Romanee 1er Cru Cros Parantoux 1994(Henri Jayer) . I sometimes drink wine, but if I have some money which I can buy it, I would use other way. Can you want to buy it if you have some money?



It is New Year's Day today, so I introduce Japanese custom.
We usually drink "Otoso." Otoso is made of mirin.
A lot of Japanese people are convinced otoso is Japanese sake, but it is mirin.
From the first, otoso was drunk in China in Sangokushi period, and in Heian period, otoso was transmitted from China.

Mirin is expensive and it was said that otoso called fortune, so even now, otoso is loved.
Otoso is very good for health. Can you drink it? 



Last week, I wrote the Imo-shochu, so I would like to write Mugi-shochu.
Mugi means wheat. It is said that Mugi-shochu is light and it is easy to drink it. 
The most famous Mugi-shochu is IICHIKO.
IICHIKO is said "Napoleon of a downtown area", and it is one of the best popular in Japan. 


A wheat




It is X'mas today, so I introduce "Chanmery."
I don't know chanmery is sold only in Japan.
"Chanmery" makes "Chan" of champagne and "Mary" of merry Christmas the origin of a word. 
In Japan, Chanmery is usually drunk in X'mas.
However, it is difficult for major companies to enter into chanmery manufacture for a low of protecting minor companies.
I'm taking part in X'mas party tonight, and I'm going to drink a chanmery probably. 



Do you know "3M in Kagoshima" in shochu?
I introduced "Maou" and "Moriizou" last week.
The other is "Murao."
Murao is one of the best shochu in Japan, and this is called "premium shochu",too.
This is made in Murao shuzou. For premium shochu, this shochu deal with the high price.
Of course, I don't drink it, and I would like to drink some day.


A sweet potato

1900~2800yen/1800ml (the list price)
9,800~19800yen/1800ml(the premium price)